Alexander: On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 1:32 PM Alexander Reichstadt <lxr@xxxxxx> wrote: > I setup trigger functions for logging, and while they do work and get triggered, the current_user always insert “postgres” even when updates/deletes/inserts are caused by users of another name. > How do I get it to use the name that caused the update? It seems current_user is the trigger’s user, so the server itself in some way. This is on PG10 Maybe your trigger has been defined by postgres and you are using (from current_user, name, user name of current execution context instead of session_user, name, session user name "The session_user is normally the user who initiated the current database connection; but superusers can change this setting with SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION. The current_user is the user identifier that is applicable for permission checking. Normally it is equal to the session user, but it can be changed with SET ROLE. It also changes during the execution of functions with the attribute SECURITY DEFINER. In Unix parlance, the session user is the “real user” and the current user is the “effective user”. current_role and user are synonyms for current_user. (The SQL standard draws a distinction between current_role and current_user, but PostgreSQL does not, since it unifies users and roles into a single kind of entity.)" Francisco Olarte.