On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 5:27 PM Chuck Martin <clmartin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 8:07 AM Peter J. Holzer <hjp-pgsql@xxxxxx> wrote:On 2019-01-26 18:04:23 -0500, Chuck Martin wrote:
> The idea should be obvious, but to explain, insdatetime is set when a new
> record is created in any table. All records in ombcase have a foreign key to
> status that can't be null. When status changes, a record is created in
> statuschange recording the old and new status keys, and the time (etc).
> The goal is to find records in ombcase that have not had a status change in xx
> days. If the status has not changed, there will be no statuschange record.
The easiest way is to use set operations:
select case_pkey from ombcase;
gives you all the ombcase ids.
select ombcase_fkey from statuschange where insdatetime >= now()::date - xx;
gives you all ombcase ids which had a status change in the last xx days.
select case_pkey from ombcase
select ombcase_fkey from statuschange where insdatetime >= now()::date - xx;
gives you all ombcase ids which did /not/ have a status change in the
last xx days.I was not familiar with set operations, but studied up a bit and thought I was getting there. Not quite, though. I have two queries that individually return 1) all ombcase records with no statuschange record, and 2) the newest statuschange record for each case that has a statuschange record. But just putting UNION between then doesn't work. Here are my queries:--First, find all open cases with no statuschange recordSELECTcase_pkey,statuschange_pkey,case_fkey,ombcase.insdatetime,statuschange.insdatetimeFROMombcaseLEFT JOINstatuschangeONstatuschange.case_fkey = case_pkeyAND case_pkey <> 0LEFT JOINstatusON status_fkey = status_pkeyWHERE lower(statusid) NOT LIKE ('closed%')AND statuschange.statuschange_pkey IS NULLUNION--Now find the last status change record for each case that has oneSELECT DISTINCT ON (case_fkey)case_pkey,statuschange_pkey,case_fkey,ombcase.insdatetime,statuschange.insdatetimeFROMstatuschange,ombcase,statusWHERE case_fkey = case_pkeyAND status_fkey = status_pkeyAND LOWER(statusid) NOT LIKE ('closed%')ORDER BY case_fkey, statuschange.insdatetime DESCIf I run each part separately, I get the expected number of records. When I combine them with UNION, I get "missing FROM-clause entry for table "statuschange" So I'm very close here, and these two return the exact number of records I'm expecting. So I just need to get them added together. Then I expect I can put the whole thing in a WHERE clause with "AND ombcase.case_pkey IN ([the combined results])"
This was pretty easy to resolve. Putting parentheses around each half of the query caused it to return the right results. Then I could reduce the columns to just ombcase.case_pkey and use an IN statement. I think this gets me where I need to be. I appreciate the help!