On 12/9/18 8:03 AM, Mike Lissner wrote:
The above seems to be the crux of the problem, how did NULL get into
column data?
I agree. My queries are generated by Django (so I never write SQL
myself), but:
- the column has always been NOT NULL for its entire lifetime
The lifetime being since the migration did this?:
ALTER TABLE "search_docketentry" ADD COLUMN "recap_sequence_number"
varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE "search_docketentry" ALTER COLUMN "recap_sequence_number"
Also does the column recap_sequence_number appear in any other tables.
Just wondering if the error was on another table?
- we don't send *any* SQL commands to the replica yet, so that's not a
factor (for now it's just a live backup)
- the publisher now has a NOT NULL constraint on that column. I never
had to clear out null values to put it in place. I assume that if that
This part confuses me. You seem to imply that the column existed before
the migration and you just added a NOT NULL constraint. The migration
shows the column being created with a NOT NULL constraint.
column ever had a null value and I tried to run a DDL to add a null
constraint, the DDL would have failed, right?
Something feels wrong here, the more I think about it.
A start would be to figure out what generated?:
failing row contains (48064261, 2018-12-07 04:48:40.388377+00,
2018-12-07 04:48:40.388402+00, null, 576, , 4571214, null, null)
Adrian Klaver