On 11/12/18 2:07 PM, raf wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
David <dlbarron28@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
I have some experience with different versions of Postgres, but I'm just
getting around to using pg_restore, and it's not working for me at all.
But a matching pg_restore command does nothing.
pg_restore -U postgres -f predata.sql -v
This command expects to read from stdin and write to predata.sql, so
it's not surprising that it's just sitting there. What you want
is something along the lines of
pg_restore -U postgres -d dbname -v <predata.sql
regards, tom lane
Does that mean there's a bug in the usage message?
pg_restore --help says (admittedly on 9.5 but it's probably the same with 10.6):
pg_restore [OPTION]... [FILE]
If no input file name is supplied, then standard input is used.
To me, that says that a filename on the command line after the options
will be read as the source of the restore. Only if it is absent would
stdin be used.
The example Tom showed was for using a plain text file as the source
instead of the default which is one of the custom formats.
Apologies if the usage message for 10.6 doesn't say the same thing.
Adrian Klaver