On Wed, 31 Oct 2018, Andrew Gierth wrote:
What this says is that you somehow have a pg 10.3 binary which has been compiled with ./configure --datadir=/usr/share/postgresql-10.2 which seems, to say the least, somewhat odd.
Andrew, Quite odd rather than somewhat odd because the configure options in the build script point to version 10.3, not 10.2.
pg_config isn't used by the postgres binary to find paths, so "fixing" it wouldn't help. The same paths that were compiled into pg_config are compiled into the postgres binary, and pg_config and postgres contain the same relocation logic.
Okay. I'll check with the SlackBuilds.org postgresql package maintainer and confirm that re-building and re-installing 10.3 will not adversely affect the data/ directory. Then I'll re-build and re-install it. Why it worked flawlessly until today when I modified the postgresql.conf file to add access by another host name and then broke is also quite odd. Thanks, Rich