On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 6:47 AM Ravi Krishna <srkrishna1@xxxxxxx> wrote:
In https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/ideas-for-scaling-postgresql-to-multi-terabyte-and-beyond/it is mentioned:"GIN, the most know non-default index type perhaps, has been actually around for ages (full-text search) and in short is perfect for indexing columns where there are lot of repeating values – think all kinds of statuses or good old Mr/Mrs/Miss. GIN only stores every unique column value only once as for the default B-tree you’ll have e.g. 1 millon leaf nodes with the integer “1” in it."Does it mean that GIN is a very good choice for low cardinality columns.
For extremely low cardinality, like Mr. Mrs. Miss., I doubt any index would be very useful. For less extreme cases, like say one million different values present around 50 times each, yes, it can be useful to keep the index size down. It will not support needing to deliver rows in sorted order, for example to fulfill an ORDER BY or a merge join. Think carefully about what setting you want for fast_update, and, if set to on, then what value to use for gin_pending_list_limit.