Does anybody have an idea why the code below fails? Thank you. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Igor Korot <ikorot01@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 11:49 PM Subject: What is the problem with this code? To: PostgreSQL ODBC list <pgsql-odbc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi, ALL, [code] std::wstring query1 = L"SHOW log_directory"; std::wstring query2 = L"SHOW log_filename"; SQLWCHAR *qry1 = new SQLWCHAR[query1.length() + 2]; SQLWCHAR *qry2 = new SQLWCHAR[query2.length() + 2]; memset( qry1, '\0', query1.length() + 2 ); memset( qry2, '\0', query2.length() + 2 ); uc_to_str_cpy( qry1, query1 ); uc_to_str_cpy( qry2, query2 ); RETCODE ret = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hdbc, &m_hstmt ); if( ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { ret = SQLPrepare( m_hstmt, qry1, SQL_NTS ); if( ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { GetErrorMessage( errorMsg, 1 ); result = 1; } else { ret = SQLDescribeCol( m_hstmt, 1, columnName, 256, &columnNameLen, &columnDataType, &columnDataSize, &columnDataDigits, &columnDataNullable ); if( ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { GetErrorMessage( errorMsg, 1 ); result = 1; } [/code] The SQLDescribeCol() call fails with the error invalid column number". Does anybody have any idea? Thank you.