On 10/10/18 7:37 AM, Bryce Pepper wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't clear in the prior posts.
The stop script is running during reboot. The problem is the database is not reachable when the stop script runs. The ctmdist server shut down is as follows:
Stop control-m application
Stop control-m configuration agent
Stop database
Several things:
1) In your OP there was this:
Oct 05 14:18:56 kccontrolmt01 network[29310]: Shutting down interface
eth0: Device 'eth0' successfully disconnected.
Oct 05 14:18:56 kccontrolmt01 network[29310]: [ OK ]
Oct 05 14:18:56 kccontrolmt01 stop_ctmlinux_server.sh[29185]:
Oct 05 14:18:56 kccontrolmt01 stop_ctmlinux_server.sh[29185]: Shutting
So is your Postgres instance running on the same machine as the CTM
instance or does the eth0 need to be up to reach the database?
2) In the above there is:
"Shutting down CONTROL-M."
Yet in script below there is:
"Stopping CONTROL-M application"
Is this because there are sub-scripts involved or the "Stopping ..." is
embedded in the script?
3) I am by no means a shell script expert and I will admit to not fully
understanding what control-m_shutdown.sh does. Still here it goes:
a) Are there actually two shebangs in one file or are there two files
b) What is:
# stop database
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "SQL Server is already stopped "
if [ -f /data00/ctmlinux/ctm_server/scripts/shutdb ]; then
echo "Stopping SQL server for CONTROL-M"
actually doing?
I ask because from what I can see there are a set of parallel processes
initiated and it is possible that the database server is winning. It
comes down to what 'if [ $? -ne 0 ]' is testing.
As you can see the intent is for the database to be shut down after the product.
But as you noticed from /var/log/message the stop_ctmlinux_server.sh script is running but unable to execute the update query.
I created the following Service definition and scripts that follow -- note there are 2 datacenters (ctmdist, ctmlinux) that have comparable scripts so I have only included one set:
[root@kccontrolmt01 ~]# cat ControlM_Shutdown.service
Description=Run mycommand at shutdown
Requires=network.target CTM_Postgre.service
Before=shutdown.target reboot.target
[root@kccontrolmt01 ~]# cat /root/scripts/control-m_shutdown.sh
# Shutdown any running Control-M services
STATUS=$(/usr/bin/systemctl is-active CTMLinux_Server.service)
if [ ${STATUS} == "active" ]; then
/usr/bin/systemctl stop CTMLinux_Server.service
STATUS=$(/usr/bin/systemctl is-active CTMDist_Server.service)
if [ ${STATUS} == "active" ]; then
/usr/bin/systemctl stop CTMDist_Server.service
STATUS=$(/usr/bin/systemctl is-active EnterpriseManager.service)
if [ ${STATUS} == "active" ]; then
/usr/bin/systemctl stop EnterpriseManager.service
exit 0
# stop CONTROL-M
if [ -f /data00/ctmlinux/ctm_server/scripts/shut_ctm ]; then
echo "Stopping CONTROL-M application"
# stop CONTROL-M Configuration Agent
if [ -f /data00/ctmlinux/ctm_server/scripts/shut_ca ]; then
echo "Stopping CONTROL-M Server Configuration Agent"
# stop database
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "SQL Server is already stopped "
if [ -f /data00/ctmlinux/ctm_server/scripts/shutdb ]; then
echo "Stopping SQL server for CONTROL-M"
exit 0
Adrian Klaver