my fault, I've forgot to mention that I have only DSN and database user/password credentials with no access to the box with Sybase. trying to reach service vendor support, but it might take some time and I hoped I've done some mistake on my side...
Kind Regards
Ales Zeleny
st 10. 10. 2018 v 0:08 odesílatel Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> napsal:
On 10/9/18 12:07 PM, Aleš Zelený wrote:
> Hello,
> I've an issue with foreign table using tds_fdw from PostgreSQL 10 to
> Sybase ASE 15.7.
> The issue is, that primary key, which I have to use for my predicate is
> in Sybase data type binary.
> Foreign table maps ID column from Sybase binary to PostgreSQL BYTEA.
> Simple select is smooth:
> [local]:5432 postgres@postgres:7650
> =# select branch_id from ase.tds_tbl limit 1;
> NOTICE: tds_fdw: Query executed correctly
> NOTICE: tds_fdw: Getting results
> ┌────────────────────┐
> │ branch_id │
> ├────────────────────┤
> │ \x000246000944242d │
> └────────────────────┘
> (1 row)
> Whereas select using the ID fails:
> [local]:5432 postgres@postgres:7650
> =# select * from ase. tds_tbl where branch_id =
> E'\\x000246000944242d'::bytea;
> ERROR: DB-Library error: DB #: 102, DB Msg: General SQL Server error:
> Check messages from the SQL Server, OS #: -1, OS Msg: , Level: 15
Have you done the above, look at the error log for the server?
> Time: 0.213 ms
> Thanks for any hints.
> Kind regards Ales Zeleny
Adrian Klaver