On 9/30/18 1:13 PM, Carl Sverre wrote:
Thanks for the initial results. Can you check that you are not using
super permissions and are enabling row security when running the test?
Super ignores row security.
Yeah, big oops on my part, I was running as superuser. Running as
non-superuser resulted in the failure you see. I tried to get around
this with no success. My suspicion is that the new row in b is not
visible to the returning(SELECT) query in a until after the transaction
completes. Someone with more knowledge on this then I will have to
confirm/deny my suspicion.
Also yes, I forgot to add the policy names, sorry about that.
On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 1:34 AM Charles Clavadetscher (SwissPUG)
<clavadetscher@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:clavadetscher@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Adrian Klaver