I have some simple INSERT / UPDATE queries, that takes a long time the first time they are run in out test environment, but I'm not sure what postgres is doing and what I can do to help it. Whats common is that the table contains many rows in the order of about 20 millions.
Query: INSERT INTO communication.request_parameter (request_id, template_version_parameter_id, parameter_value)
VALUES (1222, 1211, 122) RETURNING request_parameter_id Description of table:Row from pg_stat_statements: # \d communication.request_parameter
Table "communication.request_parameter" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -------------------------------+-------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- request_parameter_id | integer | | not null | nextval('communication.request_parameter_request_parameter_id_seq'::regclass) request_id | integer | | not null | template_version_parameter_id | integer | | not null | parameter_value | character varying | | | Indexes: "request_parameter_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (request_parameter_id) "request_parameter_parameter_value_idx" btree (parameter_value) "request_parameter_request_id_idx" btree (request_id) "request_parameter_template_version_parameter_id_idx" btree (template_version_parameter_id) Foreign-key constraints: "request_parameter_request_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES communication.request(request_id) "request_parameter_template_version_parameter_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (template_version_parameter_id) REFERENCES communication.template_version_parameter(template_version_parameter_id) This only happens in testing, and on a cold bootet database. The test database is constructed with pg_dump and restore on fresh postgres installation.
Best Regards Kim Carlsen