I need a mechanism of "logical locking" more ductile than the
pg_advisory family.
I'm thinking of a table ("lock_table") that would be part of
the database, with columns
* tablename varchar - name of the table "locked"
* rowid integer, - id of the row "locked"
* ownerid varchar, - identifier of the "user" who acquired the
* acquired timestamp - to be able to release "abandoned" locks
after a certain time
and a group of functions
1) lock_table (tablename varchar, ownerid varchar) bool - get
to lock over the entire table, setting rowid to zero
2) unlock_table (tablename varchar, ownerid varchar) bool -
unlock the table, if the owner is the recorded one
3) locked_table (tablename varchar, ownerid varchar) bool -
ask if the table is locked by some user other than the ownerid
4) lock_row (tablename varchar, rowid integer, ownerid
varchar) bool - similar to pg_try_advisory_lock
5) unlock_row (tablename varchar, rowid integer, ownerid
varchar) bool - similar to pg_advisory_unlock
6) unlock_all (ownerid varchar) bool - unlock all locks owned
by ownerid
The timeout (default, maybe 15 minutes) is implicitly applied
if the lock is taken by another user (there will be no
Redundant locks are not queued, they simply return true, may
be after an update of the acquired column.
Successful locks insert a new row, except the rare case of a
timeout, which becomes an update (ownerid and acquired)
Unlock operations deletes the corresponding row
My question is double
a) What is the opinion on the project?
b) What are the consequences of the large number of inserts
and deletions
c) Performance. In fact, pg_advisory* implies a network
roundtrip, but (I think) no table operations.