Here is some data from our production. I hope it can be of any use to you. ----- System 1: hiper=> select bucket ,count(*) entries ,max(calls) max_calls ,round(sum(total_time)) total_time ,round((100*sum(total_time)/avg(total_total_time))::numeric,2) pct_time ,round(sum(rows)) "rows" ,round((100*sum(rows)/avg(total_rows))::numeric,2) pct_rows from ( select ntile(20) over (order by calls) bucket ,calls ,total_time ,sum(total_time) over () total_total_time ,rows ,sum(rows) over () total_rows from pg_stat_statements ) stmts group by rollup(bucket) order by bucket; bucket | entries | max_calls | total_time | pct_time | rows | pct_rows --------+---------+-----------+------------+----------+------------+---------- 1 | 245 | 71 | 4745479 | 0.38 | 640677 | 0.04 2 | 245 | 96 | 22151762 | 1.76 | 236827 | 0.01 3 | 245 | 122 | 9028387 | 0.72 | 297861 | 0.02 4 | 244 | 167 | 4711705 | 0.38 | 328928 | 0.02 5 | 244 | 228 | 9490670 | 0.76 | 337712 | 0.02 6 | 244 | 305 | 7296024 | 0.58 | 273740 | 0.02 7 | 244 | 394 | 35828651 | 2.85 | 1140064 | 0.07 8 | 244 | 540 | 34180388 | 2.72 | 1313171 | 0.08 9 | 244 | 711 | 29748121 | 2.37 | 865894 | 0.05 10 | 244 | 989 | 12864432 | 1.02 | 1665529 | 0.10 11 | 244 | 1507 | 4009346 | 0.32 | 1295032 | 0.08 12 | 244 | 2511 | 13444734 | 1.07 | 4711699 | 0.30 13 | 244 | 4567 | 401096681 | 31.94 | 3386595 | 0.21 14 | 244 | 8086 | 4750899 | 0.38 | 8236002 | 0.52 15 | 244 | 13356 | 19875345 | 1.58 | 6040996 | 0.38 16 | 244 | 22454 | 23361859 | 1.86 | 16906926 | 1.06 17 | 244 | 59660 | 68633113 | 5.46 | 40170089 | 2.52 18 | 244 | 141667 | 59768727 | 4.76 | 76054887 | 4.77 19 | 244 | 431946 | 330488976 | 26.31 | 213238961 | 13.38 20 | 244 | 170978486 | 160486607 | 12.78 | 1216933189 | 76.34 | 4883 | 170978486 | 1255961906 | 100.00 | 1594074779 | 100.00 (21 rows) hiper=> select current_setting('pg_stat_statements.max'); current_setting ----------------- 5000 (1 row)