Is EnterpriseDB opensource and free. Has this database some limits and restrictions ?
At 2018-09-06 15:57:30, "Dave Page" <dpage@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 2018-09-06 15:57:30, "Dave Page" <dpage@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
HiOn Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, jimmy <mpokky@xxxxxxx> wrote:I use PostgreSQL-10.5-1-win64-bigsql.exe to install postgresql database. How to install pgAgent on windows for postresql-bigsql-10.5.I have been searching some articles to install pgAgent.But they do not work.I found there has not any version of pgAgent for windows in the website ''.And PostgreSQL-10.5-1-win64-bigsql.exe installer also has not the pgAgent. When I execute CREATE EXTENSION pgagent, it throws ERROR: could not open extension control file"H:/PostgreSQL/pg10/../pg10/share/postgresql/extension/ pgagent.control": No such file or directory. How can I resolve these problems.Thank you.If you use the EDB PostgreSQL installers, you can install pgAgent using StackBuilder. For BigSQL you'll probably have to build and install it manually from source (which isn't exactly easy on Windows, and is dependent on what is included with and how BigSQL is packaged - which I know nothing about).--Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake
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