I have made a lot of PostgreSQL High Availability tests (more than 20 by solution) and the two following products respond well to the
need :
Repmgr (2ndQuadrant)
Pglookout (aiven) About PAF, the product is hard to install and set up . It need a linux cluster and a system
engineers team to use it. Best Regards
De : thomas.poty@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:thomas.poty@xxxxxxxxx]
Hello, I am looking after some advice about solution allowing to increase High availability? Here is a bit of context : I have an Master-Slave architecture - 1 master - 2 asynchronous slaves using replication slot - backup is made with barman using replication slot - Wal archiving is done towards barman server I think 3 axes could be improved ( I am totaly novice with these): - using of a proxy I found HAproxy. Could you advice any others solutions to explore or share your experience? - using an automatick failover I found PAF - using a tool for fencing a failing node Ideally, I aimagine to disable network traffic in I/O to prevent client connecting and exchange between backup server failling server + on postgesql server disable automatic restart of the service. Could you share you experience about it? - Maybe an other axe to explore ? Thank you Thomas
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