On 09/01/2018 09:27 AM, Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
Am 01.09.2018 um 17:50 schrieb Olivier Leprêtre:
I notice that a new constraint "table1_col2_fkeyxxx" is created each
time the previous ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN is called
smells like a bug.
Yeah, a quick test on a database where I have an event trigger:
create table fk_parent(col2 varchar primary key);
NOTICE: Table public.fk_parent created
NOTICE: caught CREATE TABLE event on 'public.fk_parent'
NOTICE: caught CREATE INDEX event on 'public.fk_parent_pkey'
create table fk_child(col1 varchar references fk_parent(col2));
NOTICE: Table public.fk_child created
NOTICE: caught CREATE TABLE event on 'public.fk_child'
NOTICE: caught ALTER TABLE event on 'public.fk_child'
\d fk_child
Table "public.fk_child"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
col1 | character varying | | |
Foreign-key constraints:
"fk_child_col1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES fk_parent(col2)
alter table fk_child add column if not exists col1 varchar references
NOTICE: column "col1" of relation "fk_child" already exists, skipping
NOTICE: caught ALTER TABLE event on 'public.fk_child'
\d fk_child
Table "public.fk_child"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
col1 | character varying | | |
Foreign-key constraints:
"fk_child_col1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES fk_parent(col2)
"fk_child_col1_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES fk_parent(col2)
Regards, Andreas
Adrian Klaver