Hi folks! I've a big problem with a database, is a PostgreSQL 9.6 version on Ubuntu. When a tried read some tables (approximately 7 of 1073) show this error: *ERROR: cache lookup failed for function 125940* So, I was reading this like data corruption specially the postgresql's system catalog . I tried generate a dump but in any case, when I try make a database dump or table's dump show this error: *pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR: cache lookup failed for function 406 pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query was: SELECT oid, tableoid, pol.polname, pol.polcmd, CASE WHEN pol.polroles = '{0}' THEN 'PUBLIC' ELSE pg_catalog.array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT pg_catalog.quote_ident(rolname) from pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE oid = ANY(pol.polroles)), ', ') END AS polroles, pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(pol.polqual, pol.polrelid) AS polqual, pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(pol.polwithcheck, pol.polrelid) AS polwithcheck FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy pol WHERE polrelid = '129561'* No matter if this table or table set I can read with a SELECT or not, I can't run pg_dump in the database show me ever the above error. I have idea, of almost all tables I can run a copy to send data to a file, so I will run copy per table, but just 7 tables a can't read by a select. Mi questions is: Is there any other way to read this tables and extract the tuples?, Reading data file directly? omitting some access to catalog? Thanks ----- Dame un poco de fe, eso me bastará. Rozvo Ware Solutions -- Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-f1843780.html