On 08/16/2018 07:04 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
char(2006) produces the wrong character as 2006 is the hex-value. You
have to use 8198:
andreak@[local]:543310.4 andreak=# select version();
│ version
│ PostgreSQL 10.4 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu
7.3.0-16ubuntu3) 7.3.0, 64-bit │
(1 row)
andreak@[local]:543310.4 andreak=# select 'abcd'||chr(8198) ~ 'abcd\s';
│ ?column? │
│ t │
(1 row)
Argh, read the wrong line. Thanks for the correction. Still:
test=# select version();
PostgreSQL 10.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (SUSE Linux)
4.8.5, 64-bit
(1 row)
test=# select 'abcd'||chr(8198) ~ E'abcd\s';
(1 row)
*Andreas Joseph Krogh*
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963
andreas@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:andreas@xxxxxxxxxx>
www.visena.com <https://www.visena.com>
Adrian Klaver