On 08/14/2018 06:38 AM, pavan95 wrote:
Hi Adrian, I tried to use *"COPY postgres_log1 FROM '/tmp/abc/xyz/postgresql-`date --date="0 days ago" +%Y-%m-%d`_*.csv' WITH csv;"* But it resulted in an error. How to issue such that it is understandable by psql? And I am completely unaware of python & psycopg2. Anything which suits my requirement is enough!!
Well I was just using that as an example. If you are not familiar with Python then you would probably be better off using a language and it's associated Postgres adapter you are comfortable with.
Thanks in Advance Regards, Pavan -- Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-f1843780.html
-- Adrian Klaver adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx