On 07/16/2018 01:32 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Over the last year as I have visited many meetups and interacted with
people at conferences etc... There are three prevailing issues that
continue to come up in contributing to the community. This email is
about one of them. Where is the "user" documentation? The official
documentation is awesome, if you know what you are doing. It is not
particularly useful for HOWTO style docs. There is some user
documentation in the wiki but let's be honest, writing a
blog/article/howto in a wiki is a pain in the butt.
What does the community think about a community run, community
organized, sub project for USER documentation? This type of
documentation would be things like, "10 steps to configure replication",
"Dumb simple Postgres backups", "5 things to NEVER do with Postgres". I
imagine we would sort it by version (9.6/10.0 etc...) as well as break
it down via type (Administration, Tuning, Gotchas) etc...
What do we think?
Not sure this is much different from the Wiki unless:
Who is going to?:
1) Run/maintain it.
2) Get people to contribute.
3) Edit new content, clean up old content
Adrian Klaver