On 07/12/2018 05:19 AM, Igor Korot wrote:
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:33 PM, Edgard Battisti Guimarães
<edgardbg1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've ported a powerbuilder application to postgresql. Tested ok on windows
10 64, was installed on two win10-64 other computers, all connecting the
postgresql database in the localhost with access via odbc. The third of them
presented the error detailed below in the logs (mylog and psqlodbc)
integrally copy and paste.
Which database the application connecting to initially?
Can you show the PB script that connects to the DB?
Can you show the credentials you are trying to connect with?
Can you turn on ODBC logging and send the log with the failure?
The above information is in the original post, with exception of PB script.
Given that the PB app is 32 bit and the computers are 64 bit I am
wondering if on the third computer the wrong ODBC driver is being used?
Also what are the hardware specifications for the third computer
relative to the other two?
Lastly the error message shows up in the source code of info.c in the
section for Unicode support:
if (CC_is_in_unicode_driver(conn))
len = utf8_to_ucs2(p, len, (SQLWCHAR *) rgbInfoValue,
cbInfoValueMax / WCLEN);
len *= WCLEN;
#endif /* UNICODE_SUPPORT */
strncpy_null((char *) rgbInfoValue, p, (size_t) cbInfoValueMax);
if (len >= cbInfoValueMax)
CC_set_error(conn, CONN_TRUNCATED, "The buffer was too
small for the InfoValue.", func);
So what is the locale for the third computer?
Thank you.
Edgard Battisti Guimarães
Adrian Klaver