Hi:I would like to get the utc timestamp, 24-hr clock (military time), without the time zone suffix.Below commands were run nearly at the same time...sqfdev=> select now()::timestamp(0) ;now---------------------2018-07-11 15:27:12(1 row)...then immediately...sqfdev=> select now()::timestamp(0) at time zone 'utc' ;timezone------------------------2018-07-11 11:27:12-04(1 row)15:27:12 makes sense (it's a bout 3:30 in the afternoon EST).11:27:12 doesn't make sense. UTC is 5 hours ahead.
Apparently it's only four hours ahead of your server's time zone setting.
I would have expected either 20:27 (if it stuck to military time, which I want), or 08:27 (P.M., non-military time)And I want to get rid of the -04 suffix.Is there a way to do this ?
Specify an appropriate format string with the to_char function.
David J.