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Re: Postgres sometimes stalling on 'percentile_cont'

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Problem is that the query is not slow, it just stalls and never finishes ( I waited several hours for a 2 seconds query). Would it still be possible to derive an EXPLAIN ANALYZE from it in that case?
Another point is that, when I remove the percentile_disc function from the query, the problem is gone. This happens all the way in the end of the query when all WITH statements probably already materialized (see below).

By the way, I worked around the problem by splitting the query in two and work with an intermediary table. Still I'm curious how this is caused.
(And thanks for looking in to it !)


For brevity, here is the full query and table descriptions including indexes:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS noisemodel.aspectclusters;
CREATE TABLE noisemodel.aspectclusters AS

WITH points AS (
    SELECT a.*
    FROM noisemodel.roofpoints a
    INNER JOIN noisemodel.blocks b ON (a.gridid = b.gridid AND a.blockid = b.blockid)
    WHERE slope >= 10 AND slope < 80
,ghostpoints AS (
      id ,
      blockid ,
      pt ,
      aspect + 360 as aspect,
      nx ,
      ny ,
      nz ,
      slope ,
    FROM points
    WHERE aspect < 20
,allpoints AS (
    SELECT * FROM points
    SELECT * FROM ghostpoints
,classes AS (
    SELECT blockid, generate_series(0,390, 3) as class
    FROM noisemodel.blocks
,aspect_buckets AS(
        (width_bucket(aspect, 0, 390,(390/3)::int) * 3) bucket,
        count(*) as count
    FROM allpoints a
    WHERE coplanar = 1 --only use clean planar points
    GROUP BY a.blockid, bucket
    ORDER BY a.blockid, bucket
,histogram AS (
        COALESCE(count,0) AS count
    FROM classes a
    LEFT JOIN aspect_buckets b ON (a.blockid = b.blockid AND a.class=b.bucket)
    ORDER BY a.blockid, class
,histogram_avg AS (
    SELECT blockid, class,count,
        array_agg(count) OVER (PARTITION BY blockid ORDER BY class ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 2 FOLLOWING)
    ) AS avg_count
    FROM histogram
,leadlag AS (
    SELECT blockid,class, count,avg_count,
        lead(avg_count,1) OVER (PARTITION BY blockid ORDER BY class) AS lead,
        lag(avg_count,1) OVER (PARTITION BY blockid ORDER BY class) AS lag
    FROM histogram_avg
,result AS (
    SELECT leadlag.blockid,
    array_agg(class) peaks,
    plv8_find_bottoms(array_agg(class),9,381) bottoms
    FROM leadlag
    WHERE 1=1
    AND class > 9 AND class <= 381 --ignoring head and tail of histogram
    AND (avg_count >= lead)
    AND (avg_count > lag)
    AND avg_count > 5
    GROUP BY leadlag.blockid
    ORDER BY leadlag.blockid

,grouped AS (
    SELECT,a.blockid, pt, aspect,height,
    COALESCE(peaks[width_bucket(a.aspect, bottoms)],peaks[1])  aspectclass
    FROM allpoints a
    INNER JOIN result b ON (a.blockid = b.blockid)
,clustered AS (
    SELECT id,pt, blockid, aspect,height,aspectclass,
    --Not being very picky on the aspect clusters
    ST_ClusterDBScan(pt, eps := 2.0, minpoints := 10) over (partition by blockid, aspectclass) as cid
    FROM grouped
    WHERE Abs(aspect - aspectclass) < 10 --shouldn't be too much difference between assigned bucket and actual aspect
SELECT,c1.cid, c1.blockid,
        WHEN aspectmedian > 360 THEN aspectmedian - 360
        ELSE aspectmedian
    END as aspect,
    pt geom
FROM clustered c1
    SELECT cid, blockid, aspectclass,
        --find median aspect and median height within bucket
        percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by aspect) as aspectmedian  --<-- THIS SEEMS TO BE THE CULPRIT OF STALLING THE QUERY
    FROM clustered
    GROUP BY blockid,cid, aspectclass
) c2 ON (c1.cid = c2.cid AND c1.blockid = c2.blockid AND c1.aspectclass = c2.aspectclass)
WHERE c1.cid Is Not Null;

---------------tables that the query draws from: ----------------------------
ROOFPOINTS has approx 335k records

CREATE TABLE noisemodel.roofpoints
  id bigint,
  gridid text,
  blockid bigint,
  buildingid character varying(16),
  pt geometry,
  height double precision,
  aspect double precision,
  nx numeric,
  ny numeric,
  nz numeric,
  slope numeric,
  curvature numeric,
  coplanar numeric
CREATE INDEX roofpoints_blockid_idx
  ON noisemodel.roofpoints
  USING btree
CREATE INDEX roofpoints_gridid_idx
  ON noisemodel.roofpoints
  USING btree
  (gridid COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
CREATE INDEX roofpoints_id_idx
  ON noisemodel.roofpoints
  USING btree
CREATE INDEX sidx_roofpoints_pt
  ON noisemodel.roofpoints
  USING gist

BLOCKS has approx 77 records

CREATE TABLE noisemodel.blocks
  gridid text,
  blockid bigint,
  geom geometry

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tom van Tilburg <tom.van.tilburg@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I have a set of relatively complex queries producing tables (including
> postgis and pgpointcloud functions) that I run consecutively, and sometimes
> (depending on the base-data) my 5th query stalls (CPU 100%, runs forever)
> seemingly on the percentile_cont function. *When I replace percentile_cont
> with just a value it passes*.

> The setup roughly looks like this:
> query1 - creates 77 records with polygons
> query2 - creates 89 records with polygons
> query3 - creates ~350k records with points (inside above polygons)
> query4 - creates ~220k records with points clustered by height (from result
> query3)
> query5 - creates ~102k records with point clustered by normal (from result
> query3)

> The odd thing is, when I run query5 directly after query4, it will stall on
> some datasets (always same sets). Though when I cancel the query and run it
> again, it will pass in about 2 seconds.

Hard to say for sure with just this much detail, but what this smells
like is a bad query plan choice based on out-of-date statistics.  The
fact that the query is fast when you retry could then be explained by
supposing that the autovacuum daemon has gotten in there and updated
the stats while you were waiting.  So I'd try inserting a manual ANALYZE
of the table(s) that the earlier queries modify.

If that doesn't fix it, we'd need much more detail to offer help.  See

It'd be particularly useful to compare EXPLAIN output in both the
"slow" and "fast" states.

                        regards, tom lane

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