It appears that we can connect to the DB Server itself as I get “connection received” and “connection authorized” – but when trying to access the DB itself, several errors are raised
(see below).
I am assuming that some internals are no longer consistent – the file “global/11801” for instance really does not exist on the system.
Is there any way to recover from this (backup is unfortunately rather old)
What are possible causes? I’d like to prevent this from happening on my production servers.
** I am aware that we are on older releases, and yes, we plan to migrate to more current releases “soon” ™ …
Thanks in advance.
John Boblitz
Exceprt from Log:
2018-07-04 09:15:13 CEST [unknown]LOG: connection received: host= port=28559
2018-07-04 09:15:14 CEST postgresLOG: connection authorized: user=dbadmin database=postgres
2018-07-04 09:15:14 CEST postgresERROR: could not open file "global/11801": No such file or directory
2018-07-04 09:15:14 CEST postgresSTATEMENT: SELECT usecreatedb, usesuper, CASE WHEN usesuper THEN pg_postmaster_start_time() ELSE NULL END as upsince, CASE
WHEN usesuper THEN pg_conf_load_time() ELSE NULL END as confloadedsince, CASE WHEN usesuper THEN pg_is_in_recovery() ELSE NULL END as inrecovery, CASE WHEN usesuper THEN pg_last_xlog_receive_location() ELSE NULL END as receiveloc, CASE WHEN usesuper THEN pg_last_xlog_replay_location()
ELSE NULL END as replayloc, CASE WHEN usesuper THEN pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp() ELSE NULL END as replay_timestamp, CASE WHEN usesuper AND pg_is_in_recovery() THEN pg_is_xlog_replay_paused() ELSE NULL END as isreplaypaused
FROM pg_user WHERE usename=current_user
2018-07-04 09:15:19 CEST postgresERROR: could not open file "global/11801": No such file or directory
2018-07-04 09:15:19 CEST postgresSTATEMENT: SELECT rolcreaterole, rolcreatedb FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = current_user;
2018-07-04 09:15:22 CEST [unknown]LOG: connection received: host= port=28561
2018-07-04 09:15:22 CEST g11BaseLOG: connection authorized: user=dbadmin database=g11Base
2018-07-04 09:15:23 CEST g11BaseERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/24579/PG_9.1_201105231/24580/11866": No such file or directory
2018-07-04 09:15:23 CEST g11BaseSTATEMENT: SELECT CASE WHEN nspname LIKE E'pg\\_temp\\_%' THEN 1
WHEN (nspname LIKE E'pg\\_%') THEN 0
ELSE 3 END AS nsptyp,
nsp.nspname, nsp.oid, pg_get_userbyid(nspowner) AS namespaceowner, nspacl, description, has_schema_privilege(nsp.oid, 'CREATE') as cancreate,
(SELECT array_agg(label) FROM pg_seclabels sl1 WHERE sl1.objoid=nsp.oid) AS labels,
(SELECT array_agg(provider) FROM pg_seclabels sl2 WHERE sl2.objoid=nsp.oid) AS providers
FROM pg_namespace nsp
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=nsp.oid AND des.classoid='pg_namespace'::regclass)
WHERE NOT ((nspname = 'pg_catalog' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'pg_class' AND relnamespace = nsp.oid LIMIT 1)) OR
(nspname = 'pgagent' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'pga_job' AND relnamespace = nsp.oid LIMIT 1)) OR
(nspname = 'information_schema' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tables' AND relnamespace = nsp.oid LIMIT 1)) OR
(nspname LIKE '_%' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc WHERE proname='slonyversion' AND pronamespace = nsp.oid LIMIT 1))
) AND nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\_temp\\_%'AND nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\_toast_temp\\_%' ORDER BY 1, nspname