i see. thank you
I am using:

pon., 2 lip 2018 o 16:03 Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> napisał(a):
On 07/02/2018 06:57 AM, Łukasz Jarych wrote:
> Hi,
> "
> Strange. "audit_sq" looks like an invalid sequence table. I went
> here,https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/sql-createsequence.html,
> and checked all the way back to version 7.1 and "maxvalue" has been a
> column since back then.
What version of Postgres are you actually doing the cloning in?
Per Tom's post:
Move sequences' metadata fields into a new pg_sequence system catalog
(Peter Eisentraut)
A sequence relation now stores only the fields that can be modified by
nextval(), that is last_value, log_cnt, and is_called.
The main incompatibility introduced by this change is that selecting
from a sequence relation now returns only the three fields named above.
To obtain the sequence's other properties, applications must look into
pg_sequence. The new system view pg_sequences can also be used for this
purpose; it provides column names that are more compatible with existing
> Maybe skip that table for now? It even says the last value is 1. You
> should also check the other sequence tables. You can get them by doing:
> select * from information_schema.sequences;"
> Result of select:
> image.png
> Are you sure that I can skip " audit_sq" seq?
> I wrote here because i am newbie and i can not update this. Hope for
> your help Guys.
> Best,
> Jacek
> pon., 2 lip 2018 o 15:30 Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> napisał(a):
> =?UTF-8?Q?=C5=81ukasz_Jarych?= <jaryszek@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:jaryszek@xxxxxxxxx>> writes:
> > I am trying to use :
> > "select * from clone_schema('public','Version8',true) but i am
> getting
> > error:
> > "Column "max_value" does not exist.
> > LINE 1: SELECT last_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by,
> min...
> > HINT: Maybe you wanted to point to column " "audit_sq.last_value"?
> > QUERY: SELECT last_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by,
> min_value,
> > cache_value, log_cnt, is_cycled, is_called FROM public.audit_sq;
> > CONTEXT: function PL/pgSQL clone_schema(text,text,boolean), row 66 in
> I guess audit_sq is a sequence? It looks to me like this function has
> not been taught about the changes in sequence metadata in PG v10.
> You need to update it, or talk to its author about an update.
> regards, tom lane
Adrian Klaver