Hi ,

thank you !
You have right:

Hmm i thought that i am creating this table "
audit_sq " within
clone schema and this function is complete.
How can i fix this?
pon., 2 lip 2018 o 13:51 Victor Noagbodji <vnoagbodji@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> napisał(a):
Can you check if the table "audit_sq" has the column "max_value"?
On Jul 2, 2018, at 7:30 AM, Łukasz Jarych <jaryszek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
i am trying to use postgresql clone schema function:
I created function clone_schema in public schema:
I am trying to use :
"select * from clone_schema('public','Version8',true) but i am getting error:
"Column "max_value" does not exist.LINE 1: SELECT last_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by, min...
HINT: Maybe you wanted to point to column " "audit_sq.last_value"?QUERY: SELECT last_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by, min_value, cache_value, log_cnt, is_cycled, is_called FROM public.audit_sq;
CONTEXT: function PL/pgSQL clone_schema(text,text,boolean), row 66 in EXECUTESQL state: 42703
Can anyone help?