Em 26/06/2018 08:49, Saurabh Agrawal escreveu:
Am 26.06.2018 um 12:19 schrieb amandeep singh:
We have been observing our postgres database from past few
days,We found few queries running three times simultaneously
with same parameters.I would like to back track how a query is
running multiple times.
Can you check the requests made by your application/ ORM? This looks
like application is making multiple requests, rather than something
happening on the database?
I agree with Saurabh Agrawal.
Sometimes, users just double (or triple) click a form button, and then
resulting activity is executed more than once...
What I used is to deactivate buttons after first click. This is even
more noticeable when working on intranet apps ou high speed internet
Users, sometimes, need to be educated that one click is enough :-)