Hi Louis,
In order to remove the default privileges for any particular user/role, we should know the list of default privileges.
If we know them we can revoke them as a super user. Once I tried finding the list of default privileges, but left with no clue. But I strongly believe that if we know the list of default privileges that will be assigned we may revoke them as a super user.
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018, 11:55 PM Louis Battuello <louis.battuello@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Louis,
I think 'alter user' can do the job for you.
Else, as alternative: before running pg_restore, you could edit the dump and replace the string 'ROLE postgres' with the correct user on the RDS instance.
fabio pardi
Thanks for your replies, David and Fabio.I thought about editing the dump file or attempting some sort of reassignment of the default privileges, but that still leaves the larger question: can default privileges ever be removed specific to a single schema?If I set a default of GRANT SELECT, is my only option to change it to REVOKE SELECT? Is there a way to “get rid of the default privileges entry for the role,” as referenced in the Notes section of the of the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES documentation? Reversing the change from GRANT to REVOKE still leaves a catalog reference to the postgres user oid in pg_default_acl.I don’t want to reverse the default behavior. I’d like to remove it entirely.Thanks,Louis