On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:50 PM, PegoraroF10 <marcos@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How to send a script to server and return one or more values from that
execution ?
You´ll probably answer me that I could solve that with a function. But
suppose those executions are dynamic, depends on businness rules or any
other problem.
So, is that possible to change a DO structure is ran, to be possible to
return one or more values ?
It would be like ...
DO returns(ID Integer, Description Text) as
select ...
insert ...
select ... into ID, Description
Using this way would be possible to create that script on client, call it
just one time and have a result for that execution, exactly the way a
"execute block" does on Firebird.
Is that possible or there is a way to call just one time the server to
return values without creating a function to each call ?
What do you think change how DO structure is ran to have results from ?
Version 12, what do you think ?
Since you seems to be able to construct dynamically the statement from the client application, I think it is already possible to do that in one SQL statement using CTE.
For example:
Assuming we have the follwing schema:
create table t(c1 text, c2 text);
You can then do:
with stmt1 as (
select c1, c2 from t
union all
select 'value1', 'value2'
, stmt2 as (
insert into t
select s.c1, s.c2
from stmt1 s
returning c1
select *
from stmt2
select c1, c2 from t
union all
select 'value1', 'value2'
, stmt2 as (
insert into t
select s.c1, s.c2
from stmt1 s
returning c1
select *
from stmt2
So you can construct arbitrary complex thing using any combination of SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE.