On Wed, May 30, 2018, 11:03 AM Łukasz Jarych <jaryszek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Guys,i am using Access FE and Postgresql BE.
To track DML changes i have history log table wotking like here:It is ok but this doesnt solve the problem with trakich DDL changes.For DDL changes i can use flyway system but how to combine this with my DML trackinh system?Do you have any solutions for this?My boss wants to have possibility to save the current version (state) of database with DML and DDL changes. And to easily revert and go back to previous version (rollback all changes).I do not think so that postgresql has triggers on DDL changes and - this is the most optimal solution?Best Wishes,Luke
Hi Lukasz,
I think by using triggers(for DML-> Insert, Update, Delete, Truncate), you can achieve this. You can log the entire query which does this change.
And regarding DDL(Create, Alter), you can use concept of event trigger where the tags like "ddl_command_start","table_rewrite","ddl_command_end" are available which let's you to get all the ddl changes into a table.
So by using above things, I hope you can achieve. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.