On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:47 PM, Andres Freund <andres@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So this row has, if I didn't screw up decoding the following infomask
On 2018-05-22 21:30:43 +0300, Maxim Boguk wrote:
> For sample:
> postgres=# vacuum pg_catalog.pg_authid;
> ERROR: found xmin 2894889518 from before relfrozenxid 248712603
> select ctid, xmin, xmax, cmin, cmax from pg_catalog.pg_authid where
> xmin::text::bigint=2894889518;
> ctid | xmin | xmax | cmin | cmax
> --------+------------+------+------+------
> (1,26) | 2894889518 | 0 | 0 | 0
> postgres=# SELECT * FROM heap_page_items(get_raw_page('pg_authid', 1))
> where t_ctid::text='(1,26)';
> -[ RECORD 1
> ]----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------
> lp | 26
> lp_off | 4656
> lp_flags | 1
> lp_len | 144
> t_xmin | 2894889518
> t_xmax | 0
> t_field3 | 0
> t_ctid | (1,26)
> t_infomask2 | 32779
> t_infomask | 10507
> t_hoff | 32
> t_bits | 1111111111000000
> t_oid | 189787727
bits set::
So it's not been previously frozen, which I was wondering about.
> Which indeed makes it
> Any new role created in DB instantly affected by this issue.
What's txid_current()?
> In the same time:
> select relfrozenxid from pg_class where relname='pg_authid';
> relfrozenxid
> --------------
> 2863429136
> So it's interesting where value of " from before relfrozenxid 248712603"
> come from.
Hm. That's indeed odd. Could you get a backtrace of the error with "bt
full" of the error?
Andres Freund
select txid_current();
About gdb bt - it's tricky because it is mission critical master db of huge project.
I'll will try promote backup replica and check is issue persist there and if yes - we will have our playground for a while, but it will require sometime to arrange.
Maxim Boguk
Senior Postgresql DBA
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"Доктор, вы мне советовали так не делать, но почему мне по-прежнему больно когда я так делаю ещё раз?"
Senior Postgresql DBA
Phone RU: +7 985 433 0000
Phone UA: +380 99 143 0000
Phone AU: +61 45 218 5678
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/maksym-boguk/80/b99/b1b
Skype: maxim.boguk
"Доктор, вы мне советовали так не делать, но почему мне по-прежнему больно когда я так делаю ещё раз?"