I am trying to concatenate the value of column firstname and lastname from source DB to name column of destination DB.for row in cur_t:%s
INSERT INTO lib_author (
created, modified, last_name,
first_name, country,
school_id, name)
VALUES (current_timestamp, current_timestamp, %s, %s, %s,
(SELECT id FROM ed_school WHERE name='My Test School'),)
""", (row['lastname'], row['firstname'], '', (row['firstname'], row['lastname']) )
Actually, what I would do looks nothing like that...
I'd use psql to \copy the relevant information out of the source DB into a CSV file
I'd use psql to \copy the just-exported data into the target DB into a staging (temp/unlogged) table
I'd then write, still in the psql script connected to the target machine:
INSERT INTO lib_author
FROM temp_table;
DROP temp_table; (if unlogged, if its truly a temp it will drop when the session ends)
A for-loop based migration should be a measure of last resort. SQL is a set-oriented language/system and you should design your processes to leverage that. Act on whole tables (or subsets - WHERE clauses - thereof) at a time and not individual records.
You can access the same API via Python so you wouldn't have to use psql - but moving csv data in bulk between the servers and performing calculations in bulk is the way to go is this is going to be anything more than a one-time toy project and you'll never touch a DB again.
My $0.02
David J.