On 04/19/2018 11:30 AM, PegoraroF10 wrote:
I know my trigger is incorrect. I know that I can use TG_OP to know what
operation is being done.
My question is ...
Is this a bug or it´s mine responsability to check that trigger result ?
I think it´s a bug because if something got wrong on detail deletion and it
was rolled back, how could be a parent record be deleted ?
In your example I saw no rollback or error message:
"delete from Master where ID=2;
select * from Master; --will show no records.
select * from Detail; --will show one record pointing to Master_ID=2, that
doesn´t exist anymore."
Was there an error message?
Then there is the fact that your trigger is doing something to the row
BEFORE the delete or update and presumably modifying it. Without knowing
what the function is doing or what it is actually returning then we are
in full on guessing mode.
Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-f1843780.html
Adrian Klaver