Per current plpython docs: The language named plpythonu implements PL/Python based on the default Python language variant, which is currently Python 2. (This default is independent of what any local Python installations might consider to be their “default”, for example, what /usr/bin/python might be.) The default will probably be changed to Python 3 in a distant future release of PostgreSQL, depending on the progress of the migration to Python 3 in the Python community. .. the status quo seems to be bit optimistic with the "distant future", and we should start thinking about dropping plpython2 support, same as upstream (a bit optimistically too, IMO) does [1]. The docs don't suggest the explicit use of plpython2, but still the docs are not discouraging from it -- so it is likely some clusters run against that. What's the expected future migration path from plpython2 to plpython3 in such cases? I'm thinking about rewrite of the docs and creating some scripting which could simplify the migration steps. Would such patches be welcome at this point? [1] Pavel