On 04/12/2018 07:50 AM, armand pirvu wrote:
I would be inclined to raise the authentication_timeout first before setting the auth method to trust.
I would also set the below.:
log_connections (boolean)
Causes each attempted connection to the server to be logged, as well as successful completion of client authentication. Only superusers can change this parameter at session start, and it cannot be changed at all within a session. The default is off.
log_disconnections (boolean)
That will give you a better idea of what is going on connection wise.
Adrian Klaver
Will do so and report back
Also, in a previous post you mentioned:
"Yes and worked fine until two days ago"
Is the code under version control so you can see if anything changed two days ago?
If not, any recollections of significant events from that time period?
Many thanks
Adrian Klaver