Thanks Paul. I was hesitant to post my full query. It is a long and complicated query. But here it is now: WITH p AS ( SELECT ARRAY [ ARRAY [ 't', '' ] ] AS ns), uts AS ( SELECT s.ut FROM wos_source.core_2015 s WHERE BETWEEN 999900 AND 100000 ), utsb AS ( SELECT b.ut FROM wos_2017_1.belongs2 b, uts WHERE b.ut = uts.ut), q AS ( SELECT s.ut, unnest (xpath ('//t:static_data/t:fullrecord_metadata/t:addresses/t:address_name/t:address_spec', xml, ns)) AS address_spec FROM p, uts a LEFT JOIN utsb b ON b.ut = a.ut LEFT JOIN wos_source.core_2015 s ON s.ut = a.ut WHERE b.ut IS NULL), r AS ( SELECT s.ut, unnest (xpath ('//t:static_data/t:item/t:reprint_contact/t:address_spec', xml, ns)) AS raddress_spec FROM p, wos_2017_1.publication l, uts a LEFT JOIN utsb b ON b.ut = a.ut LEFT JOIN wos_source.core_2015 s ON s.ut = a.ut WHERE b.ut IS NULL AND xpath_exists ('//t:static_data/t:item/t:reprint_contact/t:address_spec', xml, ns) AND s.ut = l.ut AND l.pubyear < 1998), qd AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ut, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:address_spec/t:country/text()', q.address_spec, p.ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:address_spec/t:country/text()', q.address_spec, p.ns))::citext ELSE NULL END country, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:address_spec/t:city/text()', q.address_spec, p.ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:address_spec/t:city/text()', q.address_spec, p.ns))::citext ELSE NULL END city, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:organizations/t:organization/text()', q.address_spec, ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:organizations/t:organization/text()', q.address_spec, ns))::citext ELSE NULL END organisation, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:organizations/t:organization[@pref="Y"]/text()', q.address_spec, ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:organizations/t:organization[@pref="Y"]/text()', q.address_spec, ns))::citext ELSE NULL END AS prefname, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:suborganizations/t:suborganization/text()', q.address_spec, ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:suborganizations/t:suborganization/text()', q.address_spec, ns))::citext ELSE NULL END suborgname, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('/t:address_spec/@addr_no', q.address_spec, ns) THEN (xpath ('/t:address_spec/@addr_no', q.address_spec, ns)) [ 1 ]::text::INTEGER ELSE NULL END addr_no FROM p, q), rd AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ut, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:address_spec/t:country/text()', r.raddress_spec, p.ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:address_spec/t:country/text()', r.raddress_spec, p.ns))::citext ELSE NULL END country, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:address_spec/t:city/text()', r.raddress_spec, p.ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:address_spec/t:city/text()', r.raddress_spec, p.ns))::citext ELSE NULL END city, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:organizations/t:organization/text()', r.raddress_spec, ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:organizations/t:organization/text()', r.raddress_spec, ns))::citext ELSE NULL END organisation, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:organizations/t:organization[@pref="Y"]/text()', r.raddress_spec, ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:organizations/t:organization[@pref="Y"]/text()', r.raddress_spec, ns))::citext ELSE NULL END AS prefname, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('//t:suborganizations/t:suborganization/text()', r.raddress_spec, ns) THEN unnest (xpath ('//t:suborganizations/t:suborganization/text()', r.raddress_spec, ns))::citext ELSE NULL END suborgname, CASE WHEN xpath_exists ('/t:address_spec/@addr_no', r.raddress_spec, ns) THEN (xpath ('/t:address_spec/@addr_no', r.raddress_spec, ns)) [ 1 ]::text::INTEGER ELSE NULL END reprint_addr_no FROM p, r WHERE r.raddress_spec IS NOT NULL), uq AS ( SELECT DISTINCT qd.ut, qd.addr_no::INTEGER, 0 AS reprint_addr_no, c.uuid city_id, y.uuid country_id, o.uuid organisation_id, u.uuid suborg_id, p.uuid pref_name_id FROM qd LEFT JOIN c ON ( = LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.country_alias y ON ( = LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.organisation o ON (o.organisation = regexp_replace ( regexp_replace ( regexp_replace (qd.organisation, '<', '<', 'g'), '&', '&', 'g'), '>', '>', 'g')) LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.org_pref_name p ON ( = qd.prefname) LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.suborg u ON (u.suborgname = regexp_replace ( regexp_replace ( regexp_replace (qd.suborgname, '<', '<', 'g'), '&', '&', 'g'), '>', '>', 'g'))), ur AS ( SELECT DISTINCT rd.ut, 0 AS addr_no, rd.reprint_addr_no::INTEGER, c.uuid city_id, y.uuid country_id, o.uuid organisation_id, u.uuid suborg_id, p.uuid pref_name_id FROM r, rd LEFT JOIN c ON ( = LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.country_alias y ON ( = LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.organisation o ON (o.organisation = regexp_replace ( regexp_replace ( regexp_replace (rd.organisation, '<', '<', 'g'), '&', '&', 'g'), '>', '>', 'g')) LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.org_pref_name p ON ( = rd.prefname) LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.suborg u ON (u.suborgname = regexp_replace ( regexp_replace ( regexp_replace (rd.suborgname, '<', '<', 'g'), '&', '&', 'g'), '>', '>', 'g')) WHERE r.raddress_spec IS NOT NULL), qr AS ( SELECT * FROM uq UNION SELECT ur.* FROM ur) SELECT DISTINCT ON (qr.ut, qr.addr_no, qr.reprint_addr_no, a.uuid, qr.organisation_id, qr.suborg_id, qr.pref_name_id) qr.ut, qr.addr_no, qr.reprint_addr_no, a.uuid AS address_id, qr.organisation_id, qr.suborg_id, qr.pref_name_id, uuid_generate_v1 () uuid FROM qr LEFT JOIN wos_2017_1.address a ON (a.city_id = qr.city_id AND a.country_id = qr.country_id) Johann -- Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, my lips will praise you. (Psalm 63:3)