Hi Alex,
SELECT string_agg(x->>'letter','') FROM json_array_elements(
'[{"col": 7, "row": 12, "value": 3, "letter": "A"}, {"col": 8, "row":
12, "value": 10, "letter": "B"}, {"col": 9, "row": 12, "value": 1,
"letter": "C"}, {"col": 10, "row": 12, "value": 2, "letter": "D"}]'::json
) x;
Ivan Panchenko
Postgres Professional
the Russian PostgreSQL Company
14.03.2018 19:27, Alexander Farber пишет:
Good afternoon,
A PostgreSQL 10.3 table contains JSON data like:
[{"col": 7, "row": 12, "value": 3, "letter": "A"}, {"col": 8, "row":
12, "value": 10, "letter": "B"}, {"col": 9, "row": 12, "value": 1,
"letter": "C"}, {"col": 10, "row": 12, "value": 2, "letter": "D"}]
Please suggest, how to extract only the "letter" values and
concatenate them to a string like "ABCD"?
I suppose at the end I should use the ARRAY_TO_STRING function, but
which JSON function to use for extracting the "letter" values to an array?
I keep looking at
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/functions-json.html but
haven't found a good one yet
Thank you