On 03/12/2018 05:55 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 03/12/2018 03:05 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:
According to this (https://pastebin.com/TJB32n5M) query, which I thought
I got from https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Index_Maintenance, a list of
indexes and their bloat is generated.
After reindexing a table with a large amount of reported bloat (column
bloat_pct says 29%), re-running the query shows no change in the amount
First I am not seeing a column bloat_pct in the query you linked to, so
are you sure that is the actual query you used?
Sorry. bloat_pct is renamed bloat_ratio.
of bloat. This is a historical table, and VACUUM VERBOSE shows that
there's nothing to free up.
Is this something that I must live with, or am I misinterpreting the query?
Honestly I have not worked my way in depth through the query you show,
though I did notice it uses pg_stats. What happens if run ANALYZE
(https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/sql-analyze.html) to update
the stats?
I did ANALYZE VERBOSE on the underlying table. No change.
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