Hi Pavel, I don’t have a core yet, the only way I have now is to intentionally crash the prod system a couple of times. Haven’t resorted to that yet. Interesting you mentioned pgaudit—it is installed on this system because that is a our standard installation but on this particular system we haven’t yet needed audits so the audit role is ‘empty’. (And on a different system with same
installation and heavy of audit we’ve seen no segfaults) On this system pgaudit.role = 'auditor' pgaudit.log_parameter = off pgaudit.log_catalog = off pgaudit.log_statement_once = on pgaudit.log_level = log select * from information_schema.role_table_grants where grantee = 'auditor'; (0 rows) thanks, Blair From: Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@xxxxxxxxx> Hi 2018-03-08 18:40 GMT+01:00 Blair Boadway <bboadway@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
can you get core dump? It can be pgaudit bug maybe? It is complex extension. Regards Pavel