On 03/08/2018 01:49 AM, Alexandru Lazarev wrote:
Hi PG community,
I have questions about pg_restore output.
At some point of time in pg_restore output was such phrase
"*/pg_restore: setting owner and privileges for <RELATION_NAME>/*", then
it disappeared, it seems, when upgraded from PG 9.6.2 to 9.6.6
Other phrases "pg_restore: processing /*item */3615 DEFAULT id
pg_restore: creating DEFAULT "public.id <http://public.id>"
are observed if pg_restore is executed with flag -j N (where N > 1)
and aren't present when -j 1 (or without -j)
So main questions are:
1. What is the meaning of this phrases?
2. Are they documented somewhere?
3. Is it possible that output change from version to version?
I do not see any change in the release notes:
I would look at what at client_min_messages (enum) in:
It would also helpful to see the complete pg_dump and pg_restore
commands you are working with.
Why I am asking?
I saw a script which does pg_restore and grep some of this phrases as
SUCCESS indicator that pg_restore passed OK (+ something like grep -iv
script doesn't use pg_restore exit code because, as I understood from
the authors, in the past were situations that pg_restore returned 0 code
but didn't restore of db.
Any answers, hints are welcome :).
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Adrian Klaver