2018-03-05 14:13 GMT+01:00 Pavel Luzanov <p.luzanov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I can't use psql variable in the DO command. Is it intentional behavior?
yes. psql variables living on client side, and are not accessible from server side . DO command is executed on server side.
you can copy psql variables to GUC variables by set_config function, and then on server side use current_setting function for getting the content.
postgres=# \set var 'Hello, World!'
postgres=# do $$begin raise notice '%', :'var'; end;$$;
ERROR: syntax error at or near ":"
LINE 1: do $$begin raise notice '%', :'var'; end;$$;
Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company