On 03/02/2018 04:36 PM, Dale Seaburg wrote:
My mind is drawing a blank. Not sure where to go to find the answer.
Here is the statement in C#:
sSQL = "SELECT \"Image_Filename\" FROM \"Instruments\" WHERE ";
To finish off the WHERE clause, I need to look at the first 2 letters,
like "D:". My question is how do I specify in the WHERE clause, to look
at the first 2 characters in the Image_Filename column? What is the
correct SQL syntax for looking at just a portion of a column?
SELECT "Image_Filename" FROM "Instruments" WHERE "ImageFilename" LIKE 'D:%';
If you want case insensitive then ILIKE. For more info:
I feel so dumb... This can't be that hard, but I am exhausted and
running out of ideas. I need someone to give me a boost! ;-)
Adrian Klaver