On 02/25/2018 08:36 PM, Konstantin Izmailov wrote:
I got the latest libpq (from pg 10.1), and tried to compile it with
openssl 1.1. I got errors:
libpq10\fe-secure-openssl.c(1582): error C2037: left of 'ptr' specifies
undefined struct/union 'bio_st'
libpq10\fe-secure-openssl.c(1582): error C2198: 'pqsecure_raw_read' :
too few arguments for call
libpq10\fe-secure-openssl.c(1612): error C2037: left of 'ptr' specifies
undefined struct/union 'bio_st'
libpq10\fe-secure-openssl.c(1612): error C2198: 'pqsecure_raw_write' :
too few arguments for call
libpq10\fe-secure-openssl.c(1671): error C2027: use of undefined type
openssl-1.1.0g\inc32\openssl\bio.h(244) : see declaration of
libpq10\fe-secure-openssl.c(1674): error C2027: use of undefined type
I wonder if I'm not doing smth right, or libpq is not compatible with
openssl 1.1? Please help.
Where did you get the libpq source from?
What was the command you used to compile?
Do you have openssl-dev(el) installed?
Thank you!
Adrian Klaver