The 2.8TB database must be moved to a new server in a new Data
Center, and upgraded from 8.4.17 to 9.6.6 Will this work? pg_upgrade --old-datadir "CURSERVER://var/lib/pgsql/data" --new-datadir "NEWSERVER://var/lib/pgsql/data" --old-bindir "CURSERVER://usr/bin" --new-bindir "NEWSERVER://usr/bin"Or must I: 1. temporarily allocate 3TB of scratch space on the new server, 2. install 8.4 on the new server, 3. install 9.6.6 on the new server, 2. rsync CURSERVER://var/lib/pgsql/data to NEWSERVER://var/lib/pgsql/8.4/data, and then 3. pg_upgrade? Are there better ways? (The pipe from current DC to new DC will be 10Gbps.) Thanks --
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