On Sun, 18 Feb 2018, Adrian Klaver wrote:
Is this appropriate?
Adrian, Thanks for confirming
They could not have been removed as they are in the file. I am guessing you are saying they are not in use as far as you know. Just a warning(from experience), memory is a tricky thing and removing what is thought to be inactive roles is a quick way to find they are not.
Well, one set of roles is related to my former bookkeeping system and that database had not been removed. Another set of roles was related to a replacement bookkeeping system I didn't use and I don't recall seeing that database when I last ran 'psql -l'.
So can anyone who knows that postgres role is generally always there. If you want to do this at least restrict the user field.
As I'm the only one here unless someone is sitting here and logging in under my username they won't see a thing. And no one's going to sit here an log in as me other than me. :-) One advantage of working from home. Regards, Rich