Thanks for the information
Clive A.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Martinez [mailto:camarti@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 9, 2018 10:53 PM
To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Clive Anglin <canglin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Migrating Postgresql from Linux x86
We do that migration from Postgres 9.0 (x86_64, Centos 6) to Postgres
9.6 (power, SUSE Enterprise 12).
The best way to us was to do a backup (pg_dump -Fc ...) and restore using several cores (pg_restore -j N ..., where N equals to the cores/jobs to be used). How many jobs launch to restore depends on:
the number of cores available and the I/O throughput. Make some test to get the right number of jobs.
Our restore task took around four hours. We had a downtime of seven hours.
Other options are:
* You can try a logical replication (maybe pg_logical).
* Backup/restore without stop and then, make a downtime and synchronize the changed data between tables.
We preferred the failsafe option and made a full downtime and we done the job from Saturday to Sunday with a holiday Monday (It is 24x7x365 business, and get a downtime is somewhat difficult).
Best regards.
Carlos M.
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 7:44 PM, Clive Anglin <canglin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> Anyone have migrated PostgreSQL running on Linux x86_64 to running on Linux on Power platform. Interested in a checklist of things to be done and if there is a proper document with the steps to completing would also be of interest.
> Thanks
> Clive A.