On 02/08/2018 10:54 AM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
On Thu, 8 Feb 2018, Adrian Klaver wrote:
SELECT currval('udm_asset_type_definition_id_seq');
Arrgh my mistake, the above should have been
SELECT currval('udm_asset_type_definition_def_id_seq');
[Code: , SQL State: 55000] ERROR: currval of sequence
"udm_asset_type_definition_def_id_seq" is not yet defined in this session
Which is what I'd expect at the psql command line.
In real-life, I am calling from JDBC in a single session - in fact, from
inside a single transaction.
I will post the JDBC code as soon as I can cut it down to the pertinent
Also, since you request it:
[hirschs@ui24-lin ~]$ psql -d asset_registry -U hirschs
psql (9.6.5)
Type "help" for help.
asset_registry=# \d udm_asset_type_definition_def_id_seq
Sequence "main.udm_asset_type_definition_def_id_seq"
Column | Type | Value
sequence_name | name | udm_asset_type_definition_def_id_seq
last_value | bigint | 21
start_value | bigint | 1
increment_by | bigint | 1
max_value | bigint | 9223372036854775807
min_value | bigint | 1
cache_value | bigint | 1
log_cnt | bigint | 32
is_cycled | boolean | f
is_called | boolean | t
For comparison, from one of my databases:
hplc=> \d student_attendance_attendance_id_seq
Sequence "public.student_attendance_attendance_id_seq"
Column | Type | Value
sequence_name | name | student_attendance_attendance_id_seq
last_value | bigint | 39590
start_value | bigint | 1
increment_by | bigint | 1
max_value | bigint | 9223372036854775807
min_value | bigint | 1
cache_value | bigint | 1
log_cnt | bigint | 0
is_cycled | boolean | f
is_called | boolean | t
Owned by: public.student_attendance.attendance_id
To me, the greater mystery is why 'pg_get_serial_sequence' is unable to
find that sequence when invoked by table + column.
Assuming you showed the complete output I am not seeing the Owned by:
for your sequence. I would do the \d on one of your sequences that
'works', I am guessing you will see Owned by: .
To correct see:
"OWNED BY table_name.column_name
The OWNED BY option causes the sequence to be associated with a
specific table column, such that if that column (or its whole table) is
dropped, the sequence will be automatically dropped as well. If
specified, this association replaces any previously specified
association for the sequence. The specified table must have the same
owner and be in the same schema as the sequence. Specifying OWNED BY
NONE removes any existing association, making the sequence “free-standing”.
Adrian Klaver