On 02/08/2018 08:09 AM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
I have a body of code using JDBC to work with a PostgreSQL 9.6 database.
All tables use 'SERIAL' or 'BIGSERIAL' types to generate ids. All are
working correctly in terms of using the next value as a default.
However, reading back the most recently applied (currval) value is
failing for one table, where it always returns '0'. Note that the table
data shows the expected value when queried by SELECT! It is only the
currval() function that is wrong. I am properly guarding for SQL
exceptions and none are being thrown.
The code being used in the failing case is not the slightest bit
different from the working cases in terms of structure and transaction
control - only the SQL, column count, etc. is different (but correctly
formed and in all other ways functional).
Can we see the table schema and the currval code?
Is there anything in the Postgres logs that might help?
I'm not sure where to start debugging this. Can anyone give me even a
working theory to explain how returning a bogus value is possible? When
I look at the sequences in pgAdmin, they are as expected in terms of
ownership, etc. And, again, the table IS getting the correct value.
Thanks much for any ideas!
Adrian Klaver