On 02/05/2018 10:52 PM, Abhra Kar wrote:
Getting below error—
exec] Flyway (Command-line Tool) v.1.1
[exec] Metadata table created: schema_version
[exec] Schema initialized with version: 0
[exec] Flyway (Command-line Tool) v.1.1
[exec] ValidationException: Found non-empty schema without metadata
table! Use init() first to initialise the metadata table.
Did you do the above?
The below seems to be a question for the Flyway folks. They don't seem
to have a mailing list, they do point at a SO page:
It stuck when going to execute below configuration in ant build.xml for
migrate db(populate tables into schema abc)—
<exec executable="./${flyway_sh}" dir="flyway-commandline-1.1">
<arg value="-driver=${flyway_driver}" />
<arg value="-url=${jdbc_db_url}" />
<arg value="-user=${xxxx.username}" />
<arg value="-password=${xxxx.password}" />
<!-- <arg value="-Dflyway.baselineOnMigrate='true'" />-->
<arg value="init" />
<arg value="-Dflyway.initialVersion=xxxxxx” />
<arg value="-Dflyway.initialDescription='Base version'" />
<exec executable="./${flyway_sh}" dir="flyway-commandline-1.1"
<arg value="-driver=${flyway_driver}" />
<arg value="-url=${jdbc_db_url}" />
<arg value="-user=${xxxx.username}" />
<arg value="-password=${xxxx.password}" />
<arg value="-Dflyway.schemas=‘abc'" />
<arg value="migrate" />
abc schema is created properly registered with abc user.
<arg value="-Dflyway.baselineOnMigrate='true'" /> didn’t solve the problem
What need to be change here.
Adrian Klaver