JSONB fields are very attractive for our current use, particularly as straight key-value pairs in the JSONB data; but we are having trouble finding documentation on how to query lists (of scalars or objects) in nodes of the JSONB data. ~~~ I have the table as follows: CREATE TABLE public.contacts ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('contacts_id_seq'::regclass), uuid uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), vertical_id integer NOT NULL, inboundlog_id integer NOT NULL, email character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, data jsonb NOT NULL, created_at timestamp(0) without time zone, updated_at timestamp(0) without time zone, CONSTRAINT contacts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS = FALSE ) TABLESPACE pg_default; ~~~ I have a record as follows: INSERT INTO contacts (uuid, vertical_id, inboundlog_id, email, data) VALUES (gen_random_uuid(), 1, 1, ‘phil@xxxxxxxx', '{"first”:"Phil","last”:"Peters”,"subscriptions”:[101,202,303]}') How do I craft a query to find all subscribers to program 202? ~~~ I have another record as follows: INSERT INTO contacts (uuid, vertical_id, inboundlog_id, email, data) VALUES (gen_random_uuid(), 1, 1, ‘bob@xxxxxxxxxx', '{"first”:"Bob","last”:"Baker”,"downloads":[{"date":"2018-01-01 00:00:00","pubid”:123},{"date":"2018-02-02 00:00:00","pubid”:456}]}') How do I craft a query to find all contacts who have downloaded pubid 123? TIA - Geoff